Epilogue continue......

Q: what was misa?
A: misa was a security act ' mantinence of internal security act'.
Def. A constitutional law passed by the Indian parliament in 1971. Giving an advise of PM Gandhi and Indian Law Enforcement agencies,very broad power and the result of it finally Indira lost the Indian general election and the Janta party come to power.

Q: what was contradictory reaction of press censorship for India's gout?
A: Indian lost the power in the general election and the press censorship proved a counter production for her as ,it completely isolated her from the people. And the information she gathered and surrounded with fed her with the information which she like to hear ultimately she was completely deaf with the reality or the actual side of the situation.

Q: what is CFD?
A: It was an Indian political party founded in 1977 by jagjeevan Ram Congress for Democracy.

Q: what was jayprakash's views about CFD?
A: Jayprakash emphasised that CFD was not a political party and it's function was to educate the people in the value and communication of demo and also that  limited democratic opposition was obviously better for the maintenance of democracy than a fragmented opposition

Q: Comment upon Chagla's views on Indian governmental system?
A: Individually, Chagla did not belong to any party so that he consider himself  a member of citizen of democracy. He further exclaim that he belonged to a non-profit party organisation. His interests was only in democracy and freedom. He supported that party who have no dictatorial rules, the party which prove protector of civil liberties and independence of the judiciary.

Q: which two meetings attended by chgla at Shivaji park?
A: The first meeting was to congratulate and garland the successful candidates and the second, meeting over which he presided was to welcome the RSS leader Deoras.

Q: How was chagla's statements and his active participation as a free speaker during the emergency period?
A: Though chagla consider himself untouchable;,having no rights of expression yet media threw  open their doors to him. The newspaper reported his speeches and even telephoned him to interview about some important event that had taken place.

Q: why did chagla called Mrs. Gandhi ' The arch-criminal?
Xhagla called her arc-criminal as because she was responsible for the suffering, the misery, the injustice that was caused to the people by reason of the powers she acquired under the emergency which was illegally and unconstitutionally enforced upon the country.

Q: what are the basic disillusion factors of JP explained by m.c chagla?
A: following disillusionments:
* Janta party's greatest achievement
* Ministers have no equal strategies
* There's no merger of other parties.
* Janta party initially not treated Mrs. Gandhi on systematic terms.
Thus chagla contrasted this treatment of janta party with Mrs. Gandhi to Chinese phrase"Mao's widow".

Q: what is the serious laxuna of law system in India?
A: Chagla explains that there's no law in our country that can punish a person who is guilty of serious crimes against nation and who dabased the constitution.

Q: what is 'Damosa Hareditas'?
A: An inheritance that is more of a burden than a benefit called demnisa hereditas. A cursed inheritance; also used to refer overwhelm asserts
In the civil law a losing inheritance; an inheritance that was a change instead of a benefit.

Q: what are chagla's answer to the critics of the government?
A: chagla's answer to the government in two fold:
*Express patience and understanding and tried and realise the difficulties of the government.
* In the two and multiparty system.
If the parliamentary democracy postulate this system and there should always be a visible opposition.


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