International court from Roses in december

Q: Describe the procedure followed by the court in aiming at  its decision?
A:  International court follows most slowest and most complicated procedure which could possibly describe the ingenueinity of man. Hence, in all the 12 years of its existence it had decided not more than 30 cases.

*The court is bilingual with the two recognised language, English and French. The court also follow the process of translation if the argument the either language.

* There are no dialogues and arguments between judges and the bar. So that the art of advocacy is completely absent from the court.

Q: what are chgla's views on international court?
A: Chagla exclaims that there is no international law which is supreme and sovergien. There are treatise between states. Which have a binding force according to the country itself.
There is international customs and general principle of law recognised by civilised nation. Therefore, International law is neither definite nor precise.

Q: What is an international law?
A: international law is still in the process of  evolution although the United nations commissions have laid  down certain principles which are generally accepted as a body of rules. And which should be observed by all nations as governing international relations.

Q:  what is the deficiency of the IC?
A: THE IC may pass judgements or give decisions favouring one  country to another, it had no machinery to enforce its decisions.

Q: which case was concerned when Chagla was appointed in ICP?

A: The case before the court that Portugal claimed to have the right of passage through the territory  of  India in order to ensure communication between its territory of Raman and it's sub-territories of Dadra and Nagar haveli.

Q: what is the  role of security council to adequate the orders of international court?
A: security council to take adequate measures against the country which defies the  decision of the court. The security council go through with the process of the power of veto to each of the great powers, that machinery to say the least. The process has rarely been effective.

Q: comment upon the weaknesses of IC?
A: The procedure of veto power by the great powerful nations.

The appointments to the bench
Judges are elected for a term of nine years .the selection of the particular candidate .based on the majority of the notes in the security council and in the  UN assembly.

The rare chance of a judge carries the requirement of impartiality and detachment.

Q: what are chagla's views on his appointment as an ad-hoc judge in the IC?

A: chagla have had a very dissatisfactory remarks on this nomination. As the work he followed is actually a function of the advocate who appears before the court and not the function of  a judge.
According to him the judge is not there to fight the cause of his country but to arrive at a correct and impartial judgement.


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